Date: 08/20/2015
Number: 20
Rain the last two days have kept the monarchs grounded in most of Wisconsin. Today we had blue skies and a WNW wind. On our 60 mile round trip to River Falls, we saw about 17 monarchs, most of them NOT flying directionally south.
This evening, I spent two hours at a field of mixed alfalfa and red clover; I estimate 30 to 50 monarchs in the field. I finally followed some of them to their roost area where various roosts were formed, varying from three to ten or more in roost of thirteen in different parts of one branch were counted as one (photo attached).
A beautiful night. Temps in the 60s. The monarchs fed heavily, preferring the red clover. Monarchs were in perfect condition. Temperature was 58 degrees F. when I arrived home about 8:30 p.m.
Editor's note: This site reported roosting in a previous year.
Osceola, WI
Latitude: 45.3 Longitude: -92.7
Observed by: Pat
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