Monarch, Captive-Reared

Date: 08/29/2015

Number: 50

Approximately 50 adult monarch butterflies were released at a Nature Festival in North Java around 3PM. These butterflies were raised from the larval stage. The caterpillars were collected by a man who lives in Warsaw, New York. He has years of experience raising monarch caterpillars. I was told by this man that he found around 300 monarch caterpillars in a country field in Warsaw. I'm not sure of the date. But this was an incredible find that I hope to report after I have more details.

He will be releasing more monarch butterflies as they emerge from their chrysalids.

He says that last year (2014) he did not find any monarch larvae.

North Java, NY

Latitude: 42.7 Longitude: -78.3

Observed by: Donna
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