Hummingbird Sighting

Date: 09/08/2015

Number: 5

Dominant males left on 09/01/15. Dominant females left on 09/03/15. Most of mature resident Rubies were gone by 09/06/15.
This was a year with low number of Hummers (about one-fifth of previous five years. New borns were good, so numbers should pick up next year. Had seven feeders up. Now, down to four.

I am now waiting to see the transients from up North.

The yellow jackets and bald faced hornets weren't bad this year, but the yellow jackets are now hitting a few feeders hard. Probably getting ready to launch next year's queens. I have put the wasp traps out to catch as many of the new queens as possible.

Blackduck, MN

Latitude: 47.7 Longitude: -94.4

Observed by: Roy
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