Date: 09/20/2015
Number: 35
We had a few Female Youngsters this A.M. Had to go out. When we came back around 5 p.m. the Yard was busy with birds. It was great. I have never seen this many birds here in such a short time. Feeding of the Agastaches, Bonstedts, Cupheas, Lantanas, Trout Lilies, Turtleheads, the Hyacinth Vine, which is just beautiful right now and many other flowers. Well, anyway they were getting in each others ways at times but, with so many flowers there was plenty. I even had a couple that went to the feeders for long drinks. It was quite civilized. Only two disrupted the ones in the yard but they ganged up on them and than all was okay. It is cold outside, dark and quiet. The last few days I had hardly any; today was a treat.
Beamsville, ON
Latitude: 43.2 Longitude: -79.5
Observed by: Gesine
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