Date: 10/04/2015
Number: 2
One adult ruby throat female came to feed this morning early--she was extremely nervous--flying up from the feeder each time a leaf blew down anywhere where she could see it. She stayed for several minutes and gradually calmed as she fed. She buzzed off to the south when done.
The second visitor came in apparently exhausted. The immature ruby throat landed on the feeder fed briefly and then napped. It did not notice the hornet trying to evict it from the feeder until the hornet was nearly landing upon it. It briefly flit upwards then returned to the feeder on a different slot. The hornet continued bothering it so the hummingbird moved to another feeder then fed, then apparently slept on the feeder's perch for 10-15 minutes, and repeated the feed/sleep sequence again before moving on.
Weather--cloudy with on and off drizzle, breezy with gusty winds, 59 F low 61F high
king george, VA
Latitude: 38.3 Longitude: -77.1
Observed by: jessica
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