Date: 10/14/2015
Number: 10
We are still having from two to five or six ruby-throat hummers in our yard at a time throughout the past week up through today. Two adult males and the rest either young males or adult females (it is difficult to differentiate them). They are constantly competing for our four feeders we have strategically placed in far corners of our yard away from each other. They are also feeding from our many types of flowering plants, such as the fire bush, Mexican petunias, bat-face cuphia, lavender butterfly bush and zinnias. But they don't seem to be competing for them. This week's weather has been in the mid to high eighties during the day and sixties to seventies at night, with one night down to the mid fifties. There has been anywhere from a slight to a strong breeze and with sunny days.
Mary Esther, FL
Latitude: 30.4 Longitude: -86.8
Observed by: Anne
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