Monarch Adult Sighted

Date: 10/18/2015

Number: 4

Observed 4 monarchs, (3 females & 1 male) while at Point Pelee National Park between 11:45 am - 12:45 pm observed on calm warm east side of tip. Temperature was to barely reach 10c/50 f & partly sunny. But it was full sunshine... Few clouds. The west side was cold ( 47° without windchill) with a strong NW wind. Waves about a foot high. The east side was so warm you could wear tshirt & shorts. The monarchs were not nectaring but flitting about the trees, and/ or basking in the sun. There is still purple asters & a teeny amount of good goldenrod blossoms. This week provides temps in the 60's to high 60's midweek. Oct 22 nd again offers a northerly wind.
Seeing the wild monarchs today helped me to make the decision to release 5 tagged. I have 3 to go!

Point Pelee National Park Tip, ON

Latitude: 42 Longitude: -82.1

Observed by: Darlene
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