Monarch PEAK Migration

Date: 10/19/2017

Number: 1000

Cape May has had an amazing late flight of monarchs this past week starting on Oct. 19th continuing til Oct. 21st. Our road census numbers were 119.82 per hour for the week. They could be seen streaming down the dunes and beach and nectaring on the goldenrod in the dunes. Then they spread out into the gardens in the Point and in town.

The nighttime temperatures were warm so there weren't big roosts to speak of; 10, 20, 50 or 100.

The 1,000 number is an estimate of what could be seen in goldenrod in dunes. If you do the math with our road census numbers, of course it would be much higher. We had lots arriving and lots departing, so it's hard to actually give a correct figure. We had 1000+ monarchs every day, Oct 19, 20, 21, and 22.

We'll see what the next few days bring....

Cape May Point, NJ

Latitude: 38.9 Longitude: -75

Observed by: Paige
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