Monarch PEAK Migration
Sightings report image

Date: 10/14/2018

Number: 1000

The monarchs were moving in to Cape May today in steady numbers. It's very hard to estimate the numbers even after years of reporting! Our driving census only counted 60 in 20 minutes but they couldn't see the monarchs, over the dune shrubs, along the goldenrod on the beach. I drove from one end of town to the other and then out to Cape May Point. The Goldenrod plants in the dunes on the beach front and at the Point had monarchs feeding on them. They were covered as far as the eye could see. And there was a steady stream all day. Our team did find some roosts of a few hundred in various locations but some also stayed in the dunes. At sunset some monarchs were coming back in off the water, like they had tried to go across the Bay and then it got dark. It was a warm evening, 60 degrees and getting warmer overnight. Tomorrow is supposed to be 65 and rainy in the morning.

Cape May Point, NJ

Latitude: 38.9 Longitude: -75

Observed by: Paige
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