All Other Signs of Spring

Date: 03/21/2019

Number: 1

I awoke this morning to hundreds of rather small looking Monarch butterflies (1/2" maybe 1" in diameter) passing through my backyard (many of them hitting the side of my house). Seems to be a new migration route (Possibly, I am not an expert by any means.)? These small Monarchs are mostly orange in color but some are yellow and have been steadily streaming in, with a cluster of around 6-10 individuals moving through at a time (every 30-60 seconds or so),continuously marching through my backyard. Approximately 50-75 butterflies and hour (maybe more) for the entire day so far. I have video of the monarchs but they are difficult to record because they are moving so fast and are quite small, but there is no doubt that they are Monarch butterflies. Unfortunately, I do not own a camcorder that could be set out to record the entire day, which would give a more accurate record.

Editor's note: Painted Ladies

Modesto, CA

Latitude: 37.7 Longitude: -121

Observed by: Eva
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