All Other Signs of Spring
Sightings report image

Date: 06/28/2019

Number: 1

Rain: 1.5 inches today, leading to a lot of wildlife activity: sandhill cranes arrived for breakfast; Rose-breasted grosbeaks are returning from nesting in the deeper parts of the forest with their young and sitting / eating sunflower seeds at the feeders. Feeders are being filled twice a day due to increasing Rose-breasted census.

7 young bucks (probably last year's fawns) were skipping, dancing, playing, splashing in a large puddle that formed in the front pasture today during the rain storms. Around 9 PM a spotted fawn appeared with his mom and joined the buck's splashing, playing, fanfare.

Image: favorite, simple,birdbath adored by titmice and chick-a-dees,under the dogwood tree. It's a simple, clay, saucer, found at Home Depot. Easily replicated,and preferred by birds vs expensive bird baths.

1st fireflies appeared this evening--the forest is twinkling tonight with fire fly lights :)

Sanford, MI

Latitude: 43.7 Longitude: -84.4

Observed by: Tilly
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