Date: 07/22/2019
Number: 1
Conservative # of 6,820 wild Milkweed
Survey by Darlene Burgess & Leonardo Cabrera
10am to 12:30 pm
25°c beautiful sun shiny blue sky day with 16 kph North wind.
Along a 37 km stretch of Hwy 3 from Leamington to Essex, Ontario, annually there is unmowed milkweed along the north & south sides of the hwy. There are patches of 5-10-25 up to as large as 400. Majority is Common MW with 5% being Swamp. MW is 2-4' tall.
It is mixed with plenty of Teesal, Goldenrod & Asters(not yet bloomed), Chicory, Joe Pye, Dogbane, & unidentied yellow flowers & others.
The most condensed area of milkweed is a 20 km stretch from Union Rd, Ruthven to Victoria Ave, Essex. Unfortunately an area near to Victoria on the north side of hwy 3 had been mowed. Unknown # of mw cut. An Essex resident said there had been alot...hundreds. Currently the only mw uncut is around trees.
Unfortunately there is an area on Bevel Line Rd that is mowed weekly (more so this year than in the past...used to be cut 3x per season)
MW was up again enabling us to count about 2500 (not included in 6720). We are working to determine owner.
During our survey 8 adult Monarchs were seen flitting about the many Milkweed.
Leamington, ON
Latitude: 42 Longitude: -82.6
Observed by: Darlene
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