Sightings report image

Date: 08/10/2020

Number: 1

Lots of forbs in bloom for the pollinators. Common and Butterfly milkweed have finished blooming here, but Prairie milkweed is blooming as well as Purple coneflowers, Yellow coneflowers, Anise hyssop, Early sunflower, Hoary vervain, Blue vervain, Wild bergamot, Thistles, Mountain mint, Wild petunia, Compass-plant, Prairie rosinweed, Culver's-root, Common ironweed, Orange jewelweed, Sweet Joe-Pye-weed, White snakeroot, Rattlesnake-master, Nodding wild onion, Tick trefoil, Wild-cucumber, Brown-eyed Susan and Tall coreopsis. Saw 3 Monarchs, 2 Black swallowtails, Eastern Tiger swallowtail, Red-spotted purple, Cabbage white and Clouded sulphur butterflies. Several bumble bees also Monarch Waystation #9786

Allenton, WI

Latitude: 43.4 Longitude: -88.4

Observed by: Darleen
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