Date: 09/04/2020
Number: 20
Nectaring on golden rod.
Sterling Nature Center is situated along a bluff on Lake Ontario. It has usually attracted many monarchs in their migration. Many are also born there. The ones that I have observed for maybe an hour were in a very small area of the complex. I am sure there were many more as there are acres of golden rod and I was in a small field bordering the bluff. My sighting was in the afternoon and they were difficult to count as the golden rod is high and they were deep into it feeding. I am primarily a photographer, so I didn’t stay as long as usual.
On 0/9/04 it was a quick count as I was looking for roosts. They often roost there, but are very high up in the trees bordering the woods in the parking area. None were moving when I observed them.
I reported them because I seldom see any represented in the eastern part of NY or Lake Ontario. It is unclear whether they follow the edge of the lake like our birds or come across it.
Sterling, NY
Latitude: 43.4 Longitude: -76.7
Observed by: Diana
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