Monarch Fall Roost
Sightings report image

Date: 09/16/2020

Number: 200

The number of butterflies roosting is based on the number nectaring and a rough count of those already roosting late in the afternoon.� At dusk, there were additional arrivals from the surrounding bean fields that I couldn't count so the number is probably low. The day time high was 82� with variable wind at 1 mph. At dusk, it was 76� and calm.� The roosts were numerous but small, the largest observed was 10 butterflies and the smallest 2. All were on the interior of our property in a wide variety of trees including black walnut (picture), catalpa, oaks, hedge maple, sugar maple, persimmon, bitternut hickory, sassafras, and others.� There are hundreds of large trees on our property so it was impossinle to check all at dusk. When I went out at 9:30 am the next morning, all the roosts were gone and only about 10 butterflies remained nectaring over 3.5 acres. The temperature at 9:30 am was 67� with wind from the north at 10 mph.�

Waverly, IL

Latitude: 39.6 Longitude: -90

Observed by: Lois
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