Date: 09/26/2020
Number: 50
A large number of monarchs are roosting in a tree in my backyard.
I believe they started roosting mid last week (23rd/24th). I've seen multiple butterflies around, but didn't see the large number of them until the 26th. If it helps/matters, they were here around this time last year too and stayed in the very same tree! They're gone now (9/29) - it's dropped in temperature here over the past couple days. So, total, I think they were only here for about 2 days.
I started counting them individually, got up to 25, stopped and just estimated that there were about twice that many.
There are nectar sources - 2 Rose of Sharons, a knockout rose and I'm sure there are some other things close by in neighbor's yards.
The tree they were roosting in is a type of Ash, maybe a Green Ash, from what I could find on the internet.
They were shielded a little bit, though the branches they were sitting on were swaying enough in the breeze that it took a few tries to get a photo!
Kansas City, MO
Latitude: 39 Longitude: -94.6
Observed by: Sara
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