Date: 10/15/2020
Number: 1
Hello, I normally communicate with you from Homer City, PA. I brought my last chrysalis to Virginia to release. She completed her stage of development yesterday as she emerged from the casing. She was beautiful and very healthy. Shortly after we released her, she obtained her bearings and took off for hopefully, a wonderful flight to Mexico. This was such a late day for her travel. Our intention of bringing her chrysalis to Virginia was to provide food for nectaring once she hatched. A second chrysalis did not fully develop. It also traveled with us. Unfortunately, I made an error while I retrieved it from the location. I learned an unfortunate lesson that I hope to never repeat. Let’s hope that all of our monarchs survive! Have a wonderful season! Looking forward to
hearing from you in the spring!
Mary Ann
Homer City, PA
Latitude: 40.5 Longitude: -79.2
Observed by: Mary Ann
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