Date: 12/11/2020
Number: 1
Basking in the lawn. Was most surprised to see this guy (Male) this morning! Was here all day, in the same place (still there after dark). High of 67°. Intermittent rain throughout late morning & mid afternoon. High humidity. Fog layer rolled in at sunset. Placed some decaying sunflowers (field grown nearby but was blasted by a 26° killing frost a week or so ago) in case nectar still available. Hairy Balls Milkweed Gomphocarpos physocarpus is still hanging on in beds close to house; approx. 3 yards from Monarch location. Never saw a Monarch on this milkweed while it was prime, mostly wasps and Sulphur butterflies. Last time I saw a Monarch was on Thanksgiving, in the sunflower patch.
Have photos but mobile website not letting me upload it...
Caldwell, TX
Latitude: 30.6 Longitude: -96.5
Observed by: Andrea
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