Date: 06/14/2021
Number: 1
Monarch Waystation #271 [registered as such in 2005] reports on the resident pollinator plants staging blooms for Pollinator week. Front yard native blooms [photo]: Blue-eyed grass [2 species], Butterflyweed, Wild Columbine, 2 species of Coreopsis, Liatris, Purple Milkweed, Ruellia, Winecups + non-native Daylily, Tithonia, Zinnia, Portulaca, Tropical Milkweed. Back yard native blooms: Bee Balm, Blue-eyed grass, Butterflyweed, Swamp and Purple Milkweeds, Mock Verbena, Eared Coreopsis, Ironweed, Ruellia, Zizia + clovers and the same non-natives named up front. Leaf cutter bees have left their distinct "cookie cutter" marks on many leaves in front and back. Pollinators sighted include honey bees, flower beetles, large and small bumble bees, carpenter bees, pollen bees, mason bees, various wasps, and flower flies. Pearl Crescents, Azures, Blues and Cabbage White butterflies have also enjoyed the nectar, but may not be passing much pollen. Happy summer days to come!
Newport News, VA
Latitude: 37.1 Longitude: -76.5
Observed by: Judy
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