Sightings report image

Date: 06/25/2021

Number: 1

We call this plot our butterfly garden. Included are the following natives: Purple Prairie Clover, White Prairie Clover, Columbine, Sky Blue Aster, Prairie Cinquefoil, Button Blazing Stars, Rattlesnake Master, Little Blue Stems, Bush's Cone Flower, Side Oats Grama, Golden Alexander, Stiff Goldenrod, Showy Goldenrod, Leadplant, Bush's Poppy Mallow, Goat's Rue, Royal Catchfly, Cream Wild Indigo, Butterfly Milkweed, Purple Coneflower, Snowberry, Blue Sage, Prairie Dandelion, June grass, Lance-leaf Coreopsis, and Hairy Beardtongue. We have 7 plots with all or mostly natives, including Cup Plant, Compass Plant, Blue Wild Indigo, Jacob's Ladder, Common Milkweed, a total of about 80 species of planted forbes, grasses, and shrubs and about 25 species identified in the woods.

Fort Wayne, IN

Latitude: 41.1 Longitude: -85.1

Observed by: Judy
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