Monarch PEAK Migration

Date: 08/07/2021

Number: 1000

Sooo many monarchs on the southwestern tip of Franklin island in Georgian bay. Thousands, all fresh super vibrant ones. Matings, soaring mostly headed north along the western edge of the island! Looked for roosting but didn't see one

[Additional information, below, contributed by observer and added by Journey North, 08/26/21]

-We watched them over the entire day and paddled the shoreline witnessing them all over.
-Not a specific number counted but there were so so many witnessed over several hours throughout the entire day, mid morning - dusk
-behaviors included: flying straight, flitting around, mating, nectaring, resting
-all flying to the north along the south west shoreline of Franklin Island in Eastern Georgian Bay
-Wind conditions: very light (from the WSW) to almost no wind

Carling, ON

Latitude: 45.4 Longitude: -80.3

Observed by: Bella
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