Date: 09/13/2021
Number: 200
we have a large planting of zinnias which really bring the Monarchs into the yard. they stop and feed throughout the day. they have been coming through the yard continuously for last 3 weeks
[Additional information contributed by observer, added by Journey North, 09/15/21]:
I have been watching Monarchs since I was a kid at our summer cottage on the shore of Lake Erie in the 60's. we used to get massive flocks of them that would cover the beach in the morning and we had to wait for the sun to get up so they could warm up and fly away. there were thousands and they used to swirl around us. now we see them in small groups of 2 to 4 moving SW along Lake shore...
In the city we see 2 to 6 in garden most of the day, they feed for 10 to 20 minutes and fly off, sometimes they roost in one of the trees nearby for the night, it is pretty continuous all day. They stop and feed on the zinnias in our garden. Along the Lake Erie shore I generally see individuals or groups of two flying through property all day, only occasionally stopping to feed usually flying fast and high
I take a few 20 minute breaks daily in garden next to our office so I am out there every couple of hours. On lake erie shore I'm outside most of day and see them flying along beach and up in trees
Monarchs heading SW along lake erie shoreline, in morning they are on ground watering, in afternoon up high in trees. In City garden they are usually down low 6-15 ft off ground.
Buffalo, NY
Latitude: 42.9 Longitude: -78.8
Observed by: mike
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