Hummingbird Sighting

Date: 09/04/2021

Number: 4

We still have at least 4 rubies with us and I was able to spot our resident adult female mother bird today. The others are all juveniles and it appears that most, if not all of them, are also female. I do believe we have more than 4 as they really are zipping around, but I know for certain that we have 4. Three of these 4 are guarding their own respective feeders. They are juveniles working hard to keep their claim on their individual territories. The mama bird keeps a much more serene profile at the back of our property where 2 feeders are located, but I do see her from time to time show up and feed on one of the patio feeders.

We still have 7 feeders up and going strong and they are all being used. There are gardens all throughout our yard, front and back, and the hummers claim the flowers that are near "their" feeders as their own as well. This particular juvenile female feeds from several varieties of salvia, cuphea, shrimp plant, zinnia, nasturtium, lantana, geranium, verbena, and lobelia around our back patio. She loves to sit near me perched on top of a mock orange when I'm out on the patio with her and she squeaks a lot, so much so that I call her Squeak.

Kernersville, NC

Latitude: 36.1 Longitude: -80.1

Observed by: Sophie
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