Date: 09/13/2021
Number: 50
I had 2 Monarchs visit last week. the next day I checked what little milkweed I had ( it was just recovering from when I reared 56 ) anyway there were eggs everywhere. Some of the leaves were so small and so close to the ground I don't know how they managed to place the egg. A few eggs were even placed on TOP of the leaf! Knowing I didn't the amount of milkweed needed I contacted the lady @ Roper Mountain Science Center that had helped me thru the last couple of days feeding some very hungry caterpillars, to see if she could take the Monarch eggs to rear and YES she could. On Monday Sept. 13th 22 of the eggs had hatched and started munching away, delivered them to her and plan on going back in a few weeks for the banding and release! I'm so excited
Piedmont, SC
Latitude: 34.7 Longitude: -82.5
Observed by: Candice
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