Date: 09/17/2021
Number: 11
Point Pelee National Park at the Tip 5:45-7:45 sunset 7:35
26°c 66% humidity Sunny
calm SSE wind at 8/17 kmh
Daytime high 26 overnight low 17°c. Coldfront to arrive early tomorrow morning bringing cooler temps.
Upon arrival ZERO monarchs seen at either shuttle stop area or further south at Tip.
Checked Tip 2x.
When walking back to shuttle stop around 7 pm observed 1 monarch flit out over west side of Lake Erie...high about 100' ....once out it encountered a bit stronger southerly wind & returned to shoreline out of view.
Around 7:20-7:35 another 10 monarchs flew in from the north & west...flitting east to shuttle stop area. Observed one on Virginia creeper vines & another on oak tree.
Observations by binoculars, camera & not much use of clicker!
A visitor told me that between 12 & 1pm he counted up to 20 monarchs along west shoreline, flitting out over the lake. Light wind all day.
Video here-
Leamington, ON
Latitude: 41.9 Longitude: -82.5
Observed by: Darlene
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