Date: 09/21/2021
Number: 22
Point Pelee National Park at Tip 5:30-7:30. Went a bit earlier due to forecast rain which early on was just light drizzle. Coldfront arriving.
Sunset 7:28.
22°c cloudy/drizzly 20/33 kmh SSW wind.
Daytime high 23c overnight low 14.
5:20 Observed a few flitting about Tip gate area & 2 settled, 1 on bare branches & another on Oak. A few flitting near Sparrow Field. One settled on Hackberry.
Zero observed further south at Tip.
Others were around Tip shuttle stop area individually settled on Grapevine, Virginia creeper, bare branches, hop tree & Hackberry.
The next 7-10 days forecast is daytime highs of 15-21c lows of 9-13c. First 5 days with very strong mostly southerly wind.
#22 was a deceased female monarch found by a visitor at the very Tip. Very thin abdomen. Not faded- good colour.
Observations with binoculars, & camera.
Photos here-
Leamington, ON
Latitude: 41.9 Longitude: -82.5
Observed by: Darlene
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