Date: 09/26/2021
Number: 50
Lots of Monarchs flying around and resting. Difficult to get any exact count. The large group just arrived today.
[Additional information contributed by observer, added by Journey North, 09/27/21]:
The monarchs I reported were seen all at the same time. I have been seeing a random few flitting around for the past 2-3 weeks, but the large group just arrived on Sunday September 26. Today Monday September 27th, there is even more butterflies, I would guess the number is double or triple now.
It was around 3pm that I noticed the monarchs on Sunday, and around 4:30pm today.
The monarchs are all in the same area, the area has many cedar/juniper type trees and bushes, along with some elm trees. They look like dead leaves hanging on the branch and become a swirl of beauty when disturbed.
The majority seem to be resting/nectaring(if they eat sap). I have seen some doing a couples dance in the air, makes me wonder if they might be mating...
The last few days have been very windy, cool at night, but warm during the day.
Gruver, TX
Latitude: 36.2 Longitude: -101.7
Observed by: Christa
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