Monarch Adult Sighted
Sightings report image

Date: 10/01/2021

Number: 1

Kind of a chilly day today with a mostly cloudy sky and moderate wind probably 10-15 mph.
High temperature was 60 but 56 at the time of this picture.
This monarch was the first one I’ve seen here in close to 2 weeks.
It is nectaring on this very tall 4ft.
New England (or Northern) Blazing Star which is coming out just recently.
I felt bad for the monarch as it was shivering some to try to keep itself warmer in the cold conditions as it fed. When I was out there late afternoon, the sun appeared between the clouds for just a few minutes. The sun helped warm the monarch as it stopped shivering. Just that few minutes must have been enough for it to try to fly. It struggled to fight the wind but finally made it up near the top of the large oak tree in the yard.
There’s lots of nectar sources here but the temperature won’t reach the mid 60s until 4-5 days and stay mostly cloudy until then.

Brownfield, ME

Latitude: 43.9 Longitude: -70.9

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