Date: 10/14/2021
Number: 13
Point Pelee National Park at the Tip 11-1pm
Daytime high 24°c
Overnight low 16°
SSW wind 16/22kmh
Wind to decrease after 2pm to 11/22kmh becoming cloudy with rain this evening & forecast the next 2 days. Also very strong NW wind the next 2 days.
11-1pm Twelve monarchs seen on this beautiful sun shiny blue sky summer-like fall day. They were flitting south along west shoreline to the Tip. A few attempted to head out to cross the lake at various heights of 5' to 50';most returned. Others intensely nectared on asters.
All appeared pristine.
No clusters located.
Observation by eye, binoculars & camera.
10/13/21 21°c SW wind at 13/25kmh 5:15pm sunset 6:51pm 1 seen at Tip flying fast NE over west path.
More photos here-
Leamington, ON
Latitude: 41.9 Longitude: -82.5
Observed by: Darlene
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