Date: 10/22/2021
Number: 353
Monarchs/hour as calculated from driving census. Monarch numbers were incredible, particularly between 10:00 and 13:00, with a steady stream of hundreds of monarchs migrating south along the coast.
[Additional information contributed by observer, added by Journey North, 11/07/21]:
Three times a day, we drive a predetermined, 5 mile route at 20 miles an hour, counting every monarch we see through the windshield. The survey takes about 20 minutes. At the end of the three surveys, we calculate "monarchs per hour" for the day.
Surveys are 9am, 12, and 3 from Sept 1-Oct 15th, and then we switch to 10am and 2pm to account for shorter day length from October 15- November 7th.
We count every monarch we see. Sometimes they are nectaring, sometimes in flight. The survey protocol dictates that we keep a steady pace of 20 miles per hour during the survey, meaning that if we see a bunch of monarchs clumped on a bush, we are not supposed to slow down and count them, but just count as many as we can while continuing to move.
We collect weather data every time we complete the survey.
Cape May, NJ
Latitude: 38.9 Longitude: -74.9
Observed by: Kyra
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