Hummingbird (OTHER Observations)

Date: 07/18/2022

Number: 6

Six is a conservative estimate, as I believe we have many more at this point. Within the last week or so, it appears that babies from 2nd nests have fledged, as activity has increased considerably. We're seeing our adult resident male, Sparky, as well as many juveniles and females. You can always tell when brand new babies are out by observing their actions around flowers and feeders, particularly feeders. Some of them don't know what to do with the feeders, but definitely seem to know that they are worth checking out. Sparky continues to display his mating flight, although I do believe the mama hummingbirds here are wrapping up nesting for this summer. Our charm of hummingbirds spends their days chasing one another and working to both defend and establish their territories. We have 7 feeders up, spread throughout various gardens in the front, back, and side yards. They are feeding from both the feeders and lots of flowers, including cuphea, several varieties of salvia, zinnia, Major Wheeler's honeysuckle, pentas, nasturtium, bee balm, echinacea, petunia, snapdragon, hollyhock, butterfly bush, porter weed, shrimp plant, verbena, Joe Pye weed, tithonia, hibiscus, fuchsia, lobelia, torenia, lantana, and others. Some of the juvenile males from the first clutches are beginning to show red on their throats. Sparky spends the last 15-20 minutes every night alternating back and forth between his two favorite feeders. None of the others appear to really challenge him. It's such a treat and blessing having them here each summer.

Kernersville, NC

Latitude: 36.1 Longitude: -80.1

Observed by: Sophie
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