Date: 10/07/2022
Hola a todos y todas desde Grove Patterson Academy in Toledo, Ohio! In Señor Vetter's Spanish class, we sent 240 individual butterflies and 12 Ambassador Butterflies from grads 1-6 to Mexico for the Symbolic Butterfly Migration Project. Most students also cared for monarch butterflies in their general classroom during their metamorphosis and released them to begin their journey south to Michoacán! We are very grateful to participate in this project and look forward to following Estela's blog as she visits schools in Michoacán. Finalmente, estamos muy emocionados de recibir las mariposas de México en la primavera! Saludos y abrazos desde GPA en Toledo, Ohio!
Toledo, OH
Latitude: 41.7 Longitude: -83.6
Observed by: Daniel
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