Date: 03/17/2023
Number: 1
Plants that make Columbus drool in the greenhouse!
1. Buddleia Orange Sceptre - nonstop 18" tall spikes of flowers attract Columbus every half hour at least. If we cannot find Columbus, we need only look at Buddleia.
2. Abutilon Victor Reiter and Talini's Pink. Nonstop blooms in Orange and Pink colors. Columbus visited these at least once every hour.
2. Ruttya fruiticosa. Though Columbus loved Ruttya as much as Abutilon, the blooms lasted only from December to first week of February.
3. Cestrum parquii - Columbus loves the creamy yellow unscented flowers. We don't like the smell of leaves. But Columbus was also able to find insects that attracted Cestrum flowers.
3. Solenostemon or Coleus cultivars - Blooming nonstop since Fall. Columbus managed to find every one of them tucked between Salvia bushes.
3. Plectranthus ecklonii and Plectranthus x Mona Lavender - Columbus loved these as much as Cestrum and Coleus but the blooms stopped in late January.
4.Salvia cultivars that are ever blooming/winterblooming were more like daily bread, not as exciting as Ice Cream whereas the first 3 were like Ice Cream and Cake. Columbus visited them while taking a break from fly hunting.
Salvia chiapensis
Salvia coccinea - Brenthurst, Jewel White, Hummingbird Snownymph, Hummingbird Forest fire, Coral Nymph
Salvia involucrata
Salvia leucantha - Bicolor
Salvia oxyphora
Salvia patens Cambridge Blue
Salvia purpurea Lavender Lace
Salvia x African Sky
Salvia x Amigo
Salvia x Amistad
Salvia x Indigo Spires
Salvia x Mystic Spires
Salvia x Roman Red
Salvia x Skycraper series
Salvia x Waverly
Note: Greenhouse was maintained at 57*F nights (space heaters). Days were warmer on sunny days (60s). Koi Pond was maintained at 68*F, to create humidity. Due to low air temperature, many tropical plants did not bloom. But we wanted to give Columbus cooler mountain weather so the molting could start on time.
Will give a list of other plants that Columbus considers "snacks"
Carmel Hamlet, NY
Latitude: 41.4 Longitude: -73.7
Observed by: Nima
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