All Other Signs of Spring
Sightings report image

Date: 03/31/2023

Number: 1

Goatweed Leafwing's first tattered appearance here is testimony to how bonkers this spring has been with unseasonable protracted hard freezes. Usually the first to appear every year but this one; beaten by sulfurs which also beat out cabbage whites which remain a no show as yet.

Quince is usually the first to bloom, but not this year; usually blooms all at once, but not this year. Apricots, peaches bloomed first, but they all started slow bloom, then full bloom, then long drawn out blooming of stragglers. Milkweeds should be up by now but they're not.

Enid, OK

Latitude: 36.4 Longitude: -97.9

Observed by: Diane
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