Date: 05/19/2023
Number: 3
Two adult male Ruby Throated hummingbirds are local now. One resident male Ruby likes to flit around rather than perch, and goes in and out to drink. Finally got a pic! The other male perches to drink. The males are fighting for territory, as I often see them zoom past the window. I have 3 feeders out, in front and back.
Adult female Ruby Throated hummingbird. Females are on the nest, but yesterdayI finally had one perch on my feeder for the first time and several times during the day and evening until sunset at 830 p.m.. She came early to drink today at 5:10 a.m. (Dawn is 5:08). I was busy at 5:00 a.m. when she may have been on the feeder. I've seen them 10 min before dawn in the past, and 10 min after sunset.
Geneva, NY
Latitude: 42.9 Longitude: -77
Observed by: Bird
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