Monarch Larva Sighted
Sightings report image

Date: 06/06/2023

Number: 7

At least 5 first instar 🐛and 3 second instar 🐛 it is very hot here 38*C with the humidex so the caterpillars are growing very quickly! Generally 1-3 days in the each instar stage. The milkweed is lush, tall over 12 inches. I have Tuberosa orange, Tuberosa hello yellow, Cinderella,Ice Ballet, and Syrianca no flowers just yummy leaves 🍃😋🪴🐛that the caterpillar cuties love to eat!

Still haven’t seen a monarch 🦋 shy thing come see your babies grow and say hi to you gardener friend 🤗. Maybe this week she will stay for a visit 🥰 and I can share her photograph 🦋📷

Winnipeg, MB

Latitude: 49.8 Longitude: -97.1

Observed by: Melanie
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