Hummingbird (OTHER Observations)
Sightings report image

Date: 07/09/2023

Number: 5

This past week began slow with one male ruby-throated hummingbird observed, and ended with a big burst of activity around the feeder, with five minimum confirmed (probably a dozen or more) RTHBs. Pictured is a female late on July 6th, and on July 7th, the first female(s) observed in nearly three weeks.

Feeder consumption measured:
04 July, 8ml
05 July, 8ml
06 July, 8ml
07 July, 9ml
08 July, 73ml
09 July, 31ml

Up until July 6th the minimal activity of the previous weeks continued, with little consumption of 8ml per day and one adult male observed in the morning perched above. Late evening, the first female since 17 June was observed, perched at the feeder she took long drinks for three minutes until finally chased off by the male. Clearly an adult female, she appeared calm and well familiar with feeders.

07 Jul - Male RTHB made a few quick stops at feeder early morning. Around lunchtime, an adult female RTHB nectared from feeder in flight, and consumption of 9ml measured seems to have ramped up just before changing fresh feeder. Later, steady periodic feeder visits from adult male(s) and apparent adult female(s) ensued, with chasing across the field and up into woods. Another female came in and took several drinks before the male came to chase, she flew low hovering among grass as he did display swoops above her until they were under a maple. Several more mating displays were observed, as mating work commences toward a second brood. Late evening an adult female RTHB and fledgling (or possibly two fledglings) perched on feeder together, one was awkwardly perched and clumsily attempting to nectar before an adult male chased them off. Total of at least two males, and three females (probably more, and at least one fledgling) confirmed.

08 Jul - Measured 24hr feeder consumption at 73ml! Scarcely ever see this much consumption here unless it's during pre-migration hyperphagia.

09 Jul - Less busy activity at feeder than yesterday, but still fairly busy with 31ml 24hr consumption.

Gulliver, MI

Latitude: 46.1 Longitude: -86.1

Observed by: James
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