Date: 07/21/2023
Number: 1
Finally able to id what I've been hearing loud tweets outback for 3 days around 7 a.m. A small male rubythroat. The one my son first saw is still here we think. The heat index is lifting so able to spot him at feeder today 7:30 a.m.. Three feeder levels have been dropping so figured he's been here all along. Has not been spotted outback on flowers yet or going to Russelia firecracker plant in front where he was this morning on feeder in photo.
I would like to relay AGAIN I have been seeing juvenile Rufous photos coming into observations. I have emailed thru JN interface to reporters who have Rufous. Their Rufous photos are large enough for me to id the hook in the bottom tail feather. This distinguishes the Rufous species for all ages of them. Along with buffy orange fronts, rather than white or grey fronts rubythroats have. If Rufous are in decline I wish reports would be more accurate to put Rufous in that category I'm seeing.
Rufous are migrating right now on time and do come down thru eastern states from Canada breeding grounds.
Beverly L
Houston, TX
Latitude: 29.8 Longitude: -95.4
Observed by: Beverly
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