Date: 08/27/2023
Photo taken end of season, after blooming beautifully - this is beginning 2nd full year of garden . This is at the edge of a “meadow†of mostly cultivated/non-native things and goldenrod where I dug up lawn and added a diverse native garden at the edge. Viburnum, pussy willow, cup plant, prairie dock, prairie blazing star, great blue lobelia, stiff godenrod, Canada goldenrod, wild indigo, blue vervain, marsh blazing star, hoary alyssum, obedient plant milkweed, horse mint, pinnate coneflower, Queen of the prairie, rattlesnake master, prairie drop seed, white snakeroot, Culver’s root (my favorite), wild quinine, field pussytoes, boneset, heart leave aster. I hope it spreads into the meadow in years to come. Whole family is obsessed w this little plot of land. Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds are frequent visitors!
Maple City, MI
Latitude: 44.9 Longitude: -85.9
Observed by: Amy
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