Monarch PEAK Migration
Sightings report image

Date: 09/17/2023

Number: 250

Noticed all of the monarchs this morning on the buddleia in historic Port Hope, Ontario, so stopped west of town in a large agricultural field to capture monarchs to tag. Large field on north shore of Lake Ontario, primarily purple clover but a;sp other flowering plants and milkweeds. No pesticides or herbicides used here. In three hours, captured exactly 250. Many other monarchs see in this field, slowly moving west. Hundreds more. Some overcast periods and very little wind. Monarchs were very pre-occupied with feeding. Easy to spot from a distance when they opened their winds and landed on a purple clover head. A number were captured by simply swinging my net as they took flight. Northerly winds, cooler temperatures, and rain on the way. We have had a strong migration so far. Photo shows one part of these huge fields.

Port Hope, ON

Latitude: 43.9 Longitude: -78.3

Observed by: Donald A.
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