Date: 10/24/2023
Number: 30
At the Tip at Point Pelee National Park 11:50-12:50 observed 27 monarchs flying individually from north to south on the calm, sunny & warm east side. 18°c with SSW wind @ 18/32 kmh. They were spaced 2-3 minutes apart. I waited til the flow ceased. They returned to trees via west side. Unfavourable wind to cross the lake. Favourable wind arrives 10/28 after which temps cool off & they've pretty much run out of time to get south.
Daytime high 23°. Overnight low 15°c. Warm temps day & night continue for 4 more days. No clusters or basking seen. There are still some asters in the Park.
Two friends north of the park also observed monarchs, 1 & 2.
Oct. 27th one monarch was observed on east side of the Tip.
Leamington, ON
Latitude: 41.9 Longitude: -82.5
Observed by: Darlene
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