Monarch Adult Sighted
Sightings report image

Date: 03/28/2024

Number: 11

At 10:30am it was 62 degrees F, sunny, 63% humidity, with soft breezes from the SE. The grass was soaking wet with dew. As I went about I saw three monarchs ~ they were just getting started. One was a female laying eggs, nectaring on the thistles, and sunning frequently. Another was a male on the path sunbathing who I surprised into flight. A third I saw flying low in the near distance.

I went out again at 1-2pm. It had warmed up to 70 degrees F. That brought the monarchs out and I observed 11 individuals. There were several egg-laying females that I followed a bit. There were males flying around patrolling and nectaring from yellow thistles. At times the monarchs rested and sunbathed. Through pure chance I happened upon a mating pair on the ground surrounded by wildflowers. Soon they went aloft and flew to our backyard pear tree. I will add their photo to a Monarch (OTHER Observation) report.

Throughout the rest of the afternoon, I saw monarchs flying, nectaring, and some egg-laying. I continue to see monarch eggs and larvae on the milkweed (Asclepias viridis) ~ with 3rd instar caterpillars still the largest I have seen.

This is the early bird monarch as she lays an egg on a milkweed leaf on this cool morning. She spent time laying eggs on nearby milkweed, as well as taking time to nectar from thistles and warm her wings by sunbathing.

Montgomery, TX

Latitude: 30.4 Longitude: -95.8

Observed by: Kathy
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