Hummingbird, Nectaring from Flowers

Date: 05/15/2024

Number: 1

It has been remarkably quiet around here in regards to hummingbird activity. We had quite a wave come through in early April, with most apparently continuing on their journeys northbound. The only hummingbird that I'm seeing fairly regularly is our alpha male Ruby, Sparky, who has been a summer "resident" here since his first year as an adult in 2021. He is very comfortable with me and will feed from both the flowers and feeders in close distance to me. I've observed the U shaped mating flight dance a couple of times and I've sporadically seen a few other Rubies, with at least one being a female; however, I'm really surprised that I'm not observing more at this point. I've got 7 feeders out, as I always do to start the season and I have an abundance of flowering perennials, shrubs, and annuals that are hummingbird favorites. Our neighbor comments daily that she is also not seeing any. I am concerned and hope they are ok.

Kernersville, NC

Latitude: 36.1 Longitude: -80.1

Observed by: Sophie
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