Hummingbird, Nectaring from Flowers

Date: 05/23/2024

I know I have been seeing a female rubythroat darting around in back. It was quick around the yellow/ white honeysuckle early at 7 a.m.
Just not going to any feeders in back but one in front. Think its nesting in oak tree across in front as I have seen it zip from backyard to that direction over pergola and house.

Nuts hot/humid weather nesters dont like. In 90's after the 'derecho'they call it that hit downtown central Houston.
Knocking out Skyscraper windows they are still trying to repair from a week ago. Power finally restored to all thousands last night in Houston. We were ok on that end with power.

But did have to trim down 2 potted salvias that can't take heat. So they will be ready for fall migration back. Flower bed salvias are doing ok.

Beverly L.

Houston, TX

Latitude: 29.8 Longitude: -95.4

Observed by: Beverly
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