Hummingbird, Other Species Sighted
Sightings report image

Date: 06/04/2024

Number: 6

Mine were late. Pretty worried about it, with all the devastating weather south and east of Colorado. But then I noticed my first Adult male, Black-chinned, May 3, 2024. Then had an Adult male, Broad-tailed, May 4, 2024. I had my first female Black-chinned, May 9, 2024. As of today, I'm seeing 2 female Broad-tailed, 3 male Broad-tailed, One Black-chinned male. So as of today, 6. Here's a photo of my Black-chinned female... taken May 9, 2024.

Elizabeth, CO

Latitude: 39.4 Longitude: -104.6

Observed by: Angela
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