Hummingbird (OTHER Observations)
Sightings report image

Date: 08/26/2024

Number: 3

Hummers vs. Butterflies! On the back patio a monarch was nectaring on pentas. Normally my hummers prefer cuphea. My female hummer chased the monarch away from the pentas and went back to cuphea after only a few seconds. On the front porch a silver spotted skipper butterfly perched on a chair and guarded his citronella plant. The hummer made several attempts to get to cuphea on the front porch but the skipper chased her away every time. It followed her closely very high into the sky. It was interesting to watch these little creatures battle for nectar!

Dryden, MI

Latitude: 42.9 Longitude: -83.1

Observed by: Veleta
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