Hummingbird Sighting
Sightings report image

Date: 09/21/2024

Number: 15

It is late September, and I still have 20-25 hummingbirds whizzing all day long between 5 feeders. I have to refill 2 a day. Last fall, there were only a handful. Now I have a whole charm! Mostly Anna's hummers with a few Allen's. I did have more Allen's, but they seem to have left. The Anna's hummers are mostly juveniles it seems, but I do have some very good size adult females as well. I don't know if they'll stay through winter but will wait and see! They are accepting my presence as I sit on a bench beneath 3 of the feeders, as long as I don't move!

Orange, CA

Latitude: 33.8 Longitude: -117.9

Observed by: Susie
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