Date: 01/06/1997

Number: 1

We planted 50 Fosteriana tulips at Hart County Middle School Hartwell, GA. We are located at latitude 34 degrees 21 minutes North and longitude 82 degrees 55 minutes W. This location is in northeast Georgia seven miles from the South Carolina state line. Our tulips are planted in red clay soil on the south side of the school. They are visible from a window in the dining hall area and will be observed by all students each day. The bulbs had one inch sprouts on them when planted. They have not been refrigerated, however they were shipped from New York which supplied adequate cool time. The bulbs were planted seven inches deep and four inches apart. Mulch will be distributed around them to reduce the compaction of the red clay. Fosteriana tulips are an early blooming variety as is true of the Red Emperor. Therefore the results may be compared to the Red Emperor. Twenty five tulips will be planted at the Hart Care Center nursing home. The patients

Hartwell, GA

Latitude: 34.3 Longitude: -82.9

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