
Date: 02/02/1999

Number: 1

Being homeschoolers we were able to spend much of our time on activities dealing with the migrations we chose. We researched the local butterfly species and planted a garden for them. We will now keep a record of visitors to the garden. We followed the Monarch reports, but never see any in our area. Have ordered milkweed seed to plant in our butterfly garden hoping to entice a few. We have just completed a garden room and hope to raise butterflies soon.

Our hummingbird projects were of the same type. We researched the type of plants and environment enjoyed by them and planted quite a few, included feeders of nectar. We are now enjoying many different kinds of birds and especially like the Orioles. We have learned so much and found wonderful new hobbies. Thank you for the opportunity to study and learn through this wonderful program.

Glenwood Springs, CO

Latitude: 39.6 Longitude: -107.3

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