
Date: 02/02/1999

Number: 1

(Written By Ms. Caruso and her second graders). In September 1997 we raised, tagged, and released monarch butterflies. Although we have milkweed on school property, our butterflies had to look elsewhere for nectar. So, we decided to plant flowering plants in hopes of attracting winged visitors.
First we helped unpave the way for wildlife by breaking ground and adding mulch. (James M.) Next, we planted four kinds of flowers; 2 Black-Eyed Susans, 1 Fall Ageratum, 2 Bee Balms, and 2 Autumn Glow Sedum. (May-Ying) In addition to monarchs, we will also help hummingbirds and other butterflies. (Rebecca S.) We all created signs to post near our plants to protect them, and teach others about our project. We hope all the butterflies like our flowers! (Rebecca T.)
This planting initiates the development of an outdoor environmental site alongside our brook. We plan to transplant our garden to this new environmental site in early spring (once the trail is complete). We are

Princeton, NJ

Latitude: 40.4 Longitude: -74.7

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